How Women Can Outperform Men as Property Investor

Anyone can become property investor regardless of age and gender. Therefore, being women is not an obstacle to become successful investor either. Of course, property investing requires you to be strong, patience, and smart. However, you don’t have to be a man to possess those traits. People face challenges in property investing differently regardless of gender. Being women also have advantages to make better investors. Even though few women found to be successful property investor, the reason is not because of their lack of important qualities to be a successful investor but more likely because not many women are interested in property investing.

Positive traits of women to help them make better investor

Property business is about game number and rationale thinking. There is stereotype which view women as more emotional and rely more on feeling in making decision. It is viewed as weak point to become successful property investor. However, not all women are unable to suppress their feeling and think logically. There are many successful business women out there who prove themselves to be better in performing their ability in running professional business. Here are reasons why women can make better property investor:

  • In general, women are more willing to learn and ask question than men. They also can easily admit when they don’t understand something. Meanwhile, men tend to be more afraid of looking stupid which can disadvantage them to learn more. Women are not difficult to say ‘I don’t know’. By doing so, the door to learn and understand more opens even wider. This can help them to step ahead.
  • There is a stereotype that women are great shoppers. This is not entirely wrong. It is in fact, can be used as advantage in property investing. Why so? Because they know how to find great deal. It is natural for women to bargain and earn themselves the best deal. This can benefit in buying property as investment because they have more chance to get property priced below its actual value.
  • Women tend to be more willing to ask for help than men. Most men tend to ‘I can do it myself’ which can disadvantage them in certain way. In property investing, there are things that you cannot handle alone and need someone’s help to make better job. When you are willing to ask for help, it can save your time and avoid unnecessary costly expense.
  • Women also tend to be more willing to do their own homework such as researching information and data instead of relying on tips. They are also more risk-averse than men and it is not disadvantage for property investing. It helps them to study a little bit more than usual if they feel there is more risk in their investment.
  • Women are also nurtures in nature which benefits them in managing their property investment. They can take care of their property and tenant well. They can nurture them naturally which benefits in property investing. This can result in waiting list and comparably high rents.